Maecenas leo nisi, efficitur at felis sit amet, lacinia auctor quam. Aliquam euismod pretium mattis. Aenean sollicitudin orci non orci gravida ullamcorper. Duis utres odios pellentesque, efficiturs odio vitae, aliquams arcu. Sed pulvinar lacus at neque imperdiet lobortis. Phasellus eget lectus rutrum, fringilla nibh ut, convallis orci.
The Healing Space: Ayurvedic healing yoga and Kundalini come together creating a synergy between simple movements and the sophisticated power of Kundalini Yoga, to create balance and heal an injury. Simply learn how to open areas of the body that have resisted opening. Find out how to take care of your body at any age, […]
Kundalini yoga is an integrated system of yoga, breath, rhythm, dance and chanting focusing on consciousness. Sahaj Kaur/ Shelley Loheed is committed to offering students inspiring classes as well as a whole yogic lifestyle. Experience the difference Kundalini yoga makes in your life and dive deeper into your own yogic practice.
Kundalini yoga is an integrated system of yoga, breath, rhythm, dance and chanting focusing on consciousness. Sahaj Kaur/ Shelley Loheed is committed to offering students inspiring classes as well as a whole yogic lifestyle. Experience the difference Kundalini yoga makes in your life and dive deeper into your own yogic practice. Please Note: Cash or […]